Yasunori Matsuzono
松園 保則 准教授


学位MA in English Language Teaching



  • English Language Teaching
  • Genre Analysis, Discourse Analysis
  • Testing and Assessment (TOEFL/IELTS)


  • To what extent do genre-based teaching approaches contribute to student performance on English proficiency tests, such as TOEFL and IELTS?

English for Business Communication, Preparation for Study Abroad, 英語コミュニケーション、演習


JALT (Japan Association for Language Teachers)
JACET (The Japan Association of College English Teachers)
BAAL (British Association for Applied Linguistics)

  • 著書 単著(2020年12月)
    『実践IELTS技能別問題集リーディング』 旺文社
  • 著書 単著(2020年12月)
    『実践IELTS技能別問題集リスニング』 旺文社
  • 著書 単著(2019年12月)
    『今日から使える留学英語表現集 Vol.1 開始編』 河合出版
  • 著書 単著(2019年4月)
    『TOEFL Teaching Manual Version 1.0』 明治学院大学国際学部国際学科
  • 学術論文 単著(2014年)
    Matsuzono, Y. (2014). TOEFL iBT Essays by Students at Different Levels. Proceedings of PAC@9th FEELTA International Conference on Language Teaching. Vladivostok, pp.131-134

Public Speaking


This seminar course focuses on public speaking of all kinds. Through two years of seminar activities, students will master crucial principles of public speaking in English and develop their own engaging speaking styles for public presentations. Additionally, this seminar aims to prepare students for their future careers by fostering genuine confidence and professionalism in public speaking.
During the third year, 2025, students will learn about the fundamental principles of public speaking using assigned textbooks. They will also analyze professional speakers as case studies, engaging in group discussions and public speaking exercises in the classroom. Furthermore, to prepare for writing their thesis in English in their final year of 2026, students will write multiple-draft essays supported by logical arguments and information from texts.
Moving into the fourth year, 2026, students will explore the theoretical aspects of public speaking in depth, including text organization, linguistic features, delivery techniques, and psychological aspects. They will learn to apply these aspects when analyzing the performances of public speakers and will select and examine a few speakers using these criteria to develop their own professional speaking styles. The insights and findings from their analyses will be incorporated into their graduation thesis.
Throughout the two-year seminar, students are expected to actively participate in group and class discussions conducted in English during each session.
